On Crossing Bridges and Knocking on Doors

On Crossing Bridges and Knocking on Doors

This past August I was fortunate to be selected for an artists' residency in Orquevaux, France. I had applied on a whim, thinking I would never hear back, but then... I did! After debating for a bit, I decided that I had knocked on this door and it had opened for me. I needed to cross whatever bridges presented themselves and enter. 

For those who are just meeting me, I started painting with watercolors just over three years ago, shortly before the world shut down. I found it both relaxing and challenging as I learned from other artists. I painted more and more. Regardless of the outcome of the final painting, I enjoyed the process. 

At the residency it was amazing to see all of the different types of artists there and to hear about the different journeys we had taken to end up at the same place. It was a welcoming and transformative experience to have two weeks to live and paint in a chateau in the French countryside. 

I'll soon release the art collection I have been calling "The Orquevaux Collection" but I do think it is really one about what can happen when you cross bridges and knock on doors and see where you end up!
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