It has been a while! Here's what I've been up to:
1) In December I saw and illustrated map by The Postman's Knock ( and I knew I wanted to create my own version.
It took me a while, but I'm really pleased with them. It's fun to work with art that is personally meaningful and I hope it connects with you too.
2) In addition to that, I'm taking a course on surface pattern design with Bonnie Christine ( Not sure what that is? I wasn't either. But if you look around your home you'll see art/patterns on just about everything. Notebooks, curtains, pillows, tissue boxes... everything! So, surface pattern designers create art in repeating patterns and then pitch it to companies to see if they want to "rent" it out to put on their products.
I'm still learning but, yes -- I have a dream of having my art on tissue boxes :)
3) Earlier this month I was invited to a networking event for realtors where I shared my home portrait paintings. So often I'm behind a screen and it was really nice to actually meet people who enjoy my art. To be honest it felt a little scary since I've never done something like that before, but it was fun!